Thursday, February 5, 2009

An Open Letter to the Howell Township Teachers' and Administrators' Union President

You may have heard of the group Howell TRUTH * Townspeople Rooting out Unnecessary Tax Hikes * and you may believe that TRUTH is “the opposition.” In fact, TRUTH is on the same side of the school closing issue as you.We are not fighting to keep the doors to any particular BUILDING open. We are working diligently to avoid layoffs throughout the district, from administrative staff to instructional staff right on through to custodial/maintenance staff. We presume this is your goal as well, as the Howell Township Teachers' and Administrators' Associations Presidents.We hope you would agree that the common cause that unites us, the desire to preserve jobs in this awful economic crisis, is far more significant than whatever issues might be seen as dividing us. Please do not allow any outside force, whether it is from the administration, the board of education, or the state or national union, to divert your attention from this singular purpose, if it is in fact your desire to preserve jobs as well. We need courageous leaders now more than ever and we encourage you to be such leaders.We invite you to read our Mission Statement, at, so that you will know that our intentions are not to attack the unions or your membership. Our goal is to preserve the great educational system we have put together over the years by preserving its staff. Please work with us to encourage the board of education to make cuts, not closings. Please agree to sit down with the board to discuss whether concessions can be made to help see your membership and our great staff through this economic emergency. Please do so quickly, as a closing decision could come as early as mid-February.We have supported you through the good times and now we are asking that you support us during these troubling times. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

"We are working diligently to avoid layoffs throughout the district, from administrative staff to instructional staff right on through to custodial/maintenance staff. We presume this is your goal as well, as the Howell Township Teachers' and Administrators' Associations Presidents."
You have got to be kidding me? there are so many useless and/or worthless employees who have been carried for decades in this district. This should not be a priority.

We need serious cost cutting. In ten years my property taxes have risen from $1800 a year to over $5,500 a year!

We do not need to pay middle school guidance counselors upwards to $100k plus benefits for 170 days of yelling at kid who don't listen in the lunch rooms. seriously. they staff three lunches with botha vp and a guidance counselor. come on - hire a lunch monitor for $8.00 an hr and no benefits. Its not like these counselors are placing kids in colleges or offering real counseling. The number of guidances counselors and VPs in the district is stupid - CUT THEM.

Cut the sports. This town has plenty of recreational athletic activities. At this age - the kids should be doing rec sport - that is plenty for them - they do not need the stress and competition of school sports. We can save on equipment, insurance, coaches, and VICE PRINCIPAL OF ATHLETICS? puh lease. cut it all - play sports in town. why should we pay for all this twice? stupid.
Close schools - it is wasteful. In a bad economy and a world that can't afford waste - it is a far better example and lesson we set by showing our kids how not to waste. operating buildings for years below capacity is not "green" or economically sound.

stop courtesy busing. we have neighborhood schools! the point of neighborhood schools is so that we don't have to bus. Again, it is financially stupid and environmentally irresponsible. We have an opportunity to give kids a healthy alternative - WALKING! they get to socialize and get exercise every day! we save fuel, lower emissions, save money - COME ON! This is a good thing. of course there will need to be some busing - but the majority of it can GO! and hire a few crossing guards - $10/hr no benefits. Assign "safety patrols" to each "walking route" and there you go. Every kid has cell phone access - they are going to be more than safe!

Unload half that staff at the admin office and stop with the free benefits. its a new world.

It is time for the district to stop protecting their own and start making hard choices. none of these changes are going to take away from the kids education - it will ADD to it. i really hope this BOE has the courage and leadership to make the necessary changes. It is a good thing. CUT CUT CUT

Anonymous said...

Though I completely agree with 'cutting the fat' w/r/t our district's overstaffed, overpaid administration, I would really like to hear from the previous 'anonymous' writer how increasing classroom sizes (a direct result of closing schools) will not 'take away from the kids education'? And, how exactly it will 'ADD to it'?! And finally, how, if we're closing schools, are you going to expect students to walk to school when, most likely their 'home school' will now be much further away? I also fail to see how a cell phone and an occasional crossing guard will keep a young child safe from predators. 'puh lease'.